Nov. 18, 2013: Report: Falls and Fractures Rise Among Elderly after Superstorm Sandy

New Jersey’s hospitals experienced an 18 percent increase in visits related to falls and a 13 percent rise in visits related to fractures during the week that followed Superstorm Sandy. More specifically, of those who sought medical attention for falls or fractures after the hurricane, there was a 40 percent increase in individuals who were 65 or older.

According to the report, “Dramatic Rise in Falls and Fractures after Hurricane Sandy: Another Reason to Be Prepared,” the increases in falls and fractures were attributed to the extended power outages making navigating at night especially difficult for seniors.

The report suggested stocking up on emergency supplies such as flashlights and batteries, first aid kits, medications, non-perishable food and water and even providing whistles to seniors so if they do fall, they have a way to call for help without needing electricity.

The data for the report was compiled by NJHA’s Shannon Davila and Sue Shapses from Rutgers University and the Interagency Council of Osteoporosis.