



The NJHA discussion forums are intended for use by healthcare professionals solely as a forum to discuss professional issues. It is NOT intended for commercial purposes, recruiting, advertising, pricing or private uses. It is NOT intended to, and does NOT provide medical or legal advice. Patients are urged to consult appropriate professionals before making any medical diagnoses or decisions. The use of any information posted to an NJHA discussion forum will be at the user’s sole risk. Messages in this forum are intended for the sole use of its participants and should not be copied or distributed electronically or by any other means.

Message Content

NJHA reserves the right to monitor all messages and to edit or delete any messages, documents, links or other content that NJHA determines to be improper, inappropriate or unlawful. Posting of improper, inappropriate or unlawful messages, documents, links or other content can result in the suspension without prior notice.

NJHA reserves the right to remove any and all content from the discussion forum at its sole discretion. All messages posted may be available to all members and will not be private. Confidential or sensitive messages or documents therefore should not be posted. Members should expect messages to be copied and redistributed, in whole or in part, by others. NJHA EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY MESSAGE, DOCUMENT, LINK OR OTHER CONTENT POSTED IN ANY DISCUSSION FORUM BY ANYONE OTHER THAN A DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF NJHA. The person(s) who posts any message, document, link or other content that gives rise to any such liability will indemnify and hold harmless NJHA, its trustees, officers, employees, members and agents against such liability.

You are strongly advised not to submit confidential information, information that may violate the terms and conditions of your contracts, or information that may place NJHA in a position of violating antitrust laws.

It is the policy of NJHA to scrupulously comply with all antitrust laws. These laws generally prohibit competitors from entering into agreements, whether express or implied, to limit competition. NJHA reminds users of to guard against posting any message that could be construed as a violation of these laws. Accordingly, and by way of illustration, not limitation, postings to the listserv regarding the following subjects should be avoided: prices, discounts, or terms or conditions of sale; wage, salary and benefit information; profits, profit margins or cost data; market shares, sales territories, markets or marketing plans; allocation of customers or territories; concerted action to encourage the selection or rejection of customers or suppliers; and any other postings, such as business strategies, that could be construed to impose a restraint on trade and inhibit fair and free competition in the healthcare industry. Note that even general price or fee discussions by competitors, if followed by parallel action among the competitors on pricing or fees, can lead to antitrust investigations or challenges.


NJHA assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions expressed, such views are the personal statements and opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect official NJHA policies or positions, unless clearly labeled as such. Any documents posted by NJHA will be clearly labeled as such.


All users are required to register for the service and maintain with NJHA information that accurately represents their current professional employment. Participation is at the sole discretion of NJHA, based on membership status and the purposes of the forum, as determined by the moderator.

Message Distribution

Depending on the forum your message may NOT be automatically distributed by the system to all subscribers until reviewed by the NJHA Moderator. Depending on your message, your request may be responded to immediately, shared with the appropriate NJHA staff member for follow-up, posted to the forum or simply communicated to NJHA’s members for notification purposes.

Messages forwarded by you to NJHA are not distributed automatically to all of NJHA’s members, and NJHA will use reasonable efforts to maintain confidentiality of the source of information, unless otherwise requested by the individual submitting the e-mail. NJHA reserves the right to edit or delete any messages posted to the forum that violate the NJHA Disclaimer and conditions of participation.

Access to Message Archives

You will need your NJHA password to access the listserv message archive.

  • Login to the website
  • Visit
  • Your password provides access only to the message archives you are authorized to access.

Removal from Listserv and Suspension of Service

If you do not wish to belong to a forum, or are going on vacation and want to stop messages, you may unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to To handle your request expeditiously please provide:

  • your full name
  • telephone number
  • hospital name
  • name of the forum to unsubscribe you to

Please note ‘unsubscribe requests’ may take up to two working days to complete. Please take this into account if you are leaving a list for a temporary absence like a vacation. To restart your subscription after returning from vacation contact