Emergency department visits with two or more chronic condition diagnoses present in a patient’s record, per 1,000 population
Chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, obesity, and high cholesterol all contribute to poor health status. CHART measured the variation across zip codes and found significant differences. The statewide range by zip code was from a low of 5.6 visits per 1,000 population to a maximum of 275 visits per 1,000 population. In the 38 zip codes with the poorest health status, the median was 91.7 visits per 1,000 population, versus the statewide median of 37.2 – or 2.5 times greater. See Appendix.

A Deeper Dive
Trenton zip codes top both the least vulnerable and most vulnerable lists in this indicator. Both areas are served by the Trenton Post Office, but beyond that commonality their characteristics are vastly different. Zip code 08641 encompasses five square miles of primarily military base housing at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, with 60 percent of the residents serving in the military. The unemployment rate is 7.4 percent, the median age is 23 and the median household income is around $63,100. Zip code 08608, meanwhile, covers several blocks of downtown Trenton, between the Mill Hill neighborhood and the Delaware River. Fourteen percent of its residents are unemployed, with a median age of 36 and a median household income of approximately $25,000. The stark differences between these two communities are reflected in their ability to access consistent care to manage chronic health conditions.