Zip Code Analysis
Zip Code 08401
(Atlantic City)
Zip Code 07305
(Jersey City)
Zip Code 08618
Zip Code Analysis
A comprehensive evaluation of zip code level data identified zip codes 08401 (Atlantic City), 07305 (Jersey City) and 08618 (Trenton) as the most compromised by the presence of chronic conditions. While this study relies heavily on hospital emergency department claims data, the staff at CHART also overlaid data from other public sources to create a more comprehensive analysis. The following social determinants of health were examined for each of the top three spotlight zip codes analyzed in this report:
- INCOME — Median household income, as sourced from the Census’ American Community Survey, is compared on the zip code, city, county and statewide levels.
- UNEMPLOYMENT — Unemployment levels, obtained from the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, are arrayed across zip code, city, county and statewide levels.
- RACE — CHART’s analysis of the patient-level Uniform Bill claims data allows an analysis of the racial breakout of chronic condition emergency department patients on the zip code level. A comparison is done to the racial breakout of the zip code overall to identify racial disparities among those with chronic conditions.
- FOOD AND TRANSPORTATION ACCESS — The United States Department of Agriculture’s Food Access Research Atlas describes food deserts within census tracts across the country. A tract is defined as a food desert when it is a low-income tract in which at least one of the following is true: at least 100 households are located more than a half-mile from the nearest supermarket and have no vehicle access; or at least 500 people or 33 percent of the population live more than 20 miles from the nearest supermarket, regardless of vehicle availability. The Food Access Research Database also provides information on households receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) support. This program, previously identified as the Food Stamp Program, helps low-income households pay for groceries. This data provides insight not only into food access (location of food and ability to purchase), but also the availability of transportation.
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Overall in New Jersey, 10% of residents live in census tracts identified as food deserts.
A tract is defined as food desert when it is a low-income tract in which at least one of the following is true: at least 100 households are located more than 1/2 mile from the nearest supermarket and have no vehicle access; or at least 500 people or 33 percent of the population live more than 20 miles from the nearest supermarket, regardless of vehicle availability.
Overall in New Jersey, 8.5% of households receive benefits from the New Jersey's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). This program, previously identified as the Food Stamp Program, helps low-income households pay for groceries.
The maps show high-concentrations of food deserts identified in the southern part of the state along with similarly high concentrations of SNAP recipients. However, SNAP benefits may be going unused if the population is not able to access a place to purchase food.
Zip Code 08401 (Atlantic City)
Zip code 08401 was selected for further micro-analysis due to its experience of 18,618 chronic condition-related emergency department visits in 2017. This volume of visits establishes zip code 08401 as the highest chronic condition-utilizing zip code in the state.
Out of the 11 chronic conditions identified for analysis in this study, drug/substance abuse was the most prevalent in 08401. Drug/substance abuse was present 56 percent of the time in chronic condition emergency department visits from this zip code. Hypertension was the second most common condition, present 38 percent of the time. The magnitude of these two chronic conditions is in contrast to the statewide averages, where hypertension ranks highest and drug/substance abuse ranks second.
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Ninety percent of emergency department chronic condition visits in zip code 08401 had between one and three chronic condition codes present on their record. The remaining 10 percent of visits had between 3 and 11 condition codes present. Zip code 08401 also exhibited a significant volume of “high utilizers” (patients that presented at a single hospital emergency department 25 times or more in a given year). There were 20 of these individuals located in 08401. Five of those presented in a single hospital emergency department 45 or more times in a 12-month period.
The median household income for zip code 08401 falls well short of Atlantic City overall, Atlantic County and New Jersey. Zip code 08401’s median household income is $26,566. The median household income for Atlantic County is $31,809 and the statewide median is $76,126.
The unemployment rate for Atlantic County is markedly higher at 5.4 percent than the statewide rate of 4.4 percent. Unemployment for zip code 08401 trends higher than both, with 12 percent of households receiving unemployment benefits.
Racial disparities can be found among chronic condition emergency department patients in zip code 08401. The overall population of 08401 is approximately 38 percent African American. However, when examining the presence of chronic condition emergency department visits in this zip code, 52 percent of the visits were from African American patients. The inverse is true for the Asian population in this zip code; overall in the zip code nearly 16 percent identify as Asian, however the Asian population accounted for just 3 percent of the chronic condition emergency department visits.
The following statistics demonstrate the problems identified with food and transportation access in zip code 08401:
- 50 percent of the population lives in a census tract identified as a food desert, with no vehicle access and live a half-mile or more from the nearest grocery store.
- This compares to 31 percent in Atlantic County and only 10 percent overall in New Jersey.
- The 50 percent in the Food Desert population account for 21,211 people, with 21 percent of those being children under the age of 17 and another 13 percent being senior citizens.
- 45 percent of the population has no access to a vehicle.
- This compares to 14 percent in Atlantic County and just under 12 percent overall in New Jersey.
- Nearly 29 percent of the households in 08401 are receiving SNAP benefits.
- This compares to 12 percent in Atlantic County and 8.5 percent overall in New Jersey.
Zip code 08401 is strongly illustrative of the impact of social determinants of health on population health and magnifies that in this zip code poor population health, as measured by the prevalence of chronic conditions, is magnified in both the low income and African American populations that reside in this community. An astounding 50 percent of the population lives in a food desert, and nearly half do not have access to a vehicle, which can have a debilitating impact on personal nutrition. The median household income is approximately 35 percent of the statewide average, further compromising the health status of the community.
Zip Code 07305 (Jersey City)
Zip code 07305 was selected for further micro-analysis due to its experience of 13,879 chronic condition related emergency department visits in 2017. This volume of visits establishes zip code 07305 as the second highest chronic condition-utilizing zip code in the state.
Out of the 11 chronic conditions identified for analysis in this study, hypertension was the most prevalent in 07305. Hypertension was present 47 percent of the time in chronic condition emergency department visits from this zip code. Drug/substance abuse was the second most common condition, present roughly 31 percent of the time. The magnitude of these two chronic conditions aligns with the statewide averages, where Hypertension also ranks highest, with Drug/Substance abuse second. However, 07305’s presence of asthma is 53 percent higher than the statewide percentage of chronic condition emergency department visits, signaling a need for further exploration.
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Ninety-three percent of emergency department chronic condition visits in zip code 07305 had between one and three chronic condition codes present on their record. The remaining visits had between 3 and 10 condition codes present. Zip code 07305 also exhibited a number of “high utilizers” (patients that presented at a single hospital emergency department 25 times or more in a given year). There were 11 of these individuals located in 07305. Three of those presented in a single hospital emergency department 45 or more times in a 12-month period.
The median household income for zip code 07305 falls well short of Jersey City overall, Hudson County and New Jersey. Zip code 07305’s median household income is $46,625. The median household income for Hudson County is $60,894 and the statewide median is $76,126.
The unemployment rate for Hudson County overall is 4.2 percent, which is lower than the statewide rate of 4.4 percent. Unemployment in zip code 07305 trends slightly higher than both, with 5 percent of households receiving unemployment benefits.
Racial disparities can be found among chronic condition emergency department patients in zip code 07305. The overall population of 07305 is approximately 50 percent African American. However, when examining the presence of chronic condition emgergency department visits in this zip code, 65 percent of the visits were from African American patients. The inverse is true for the Asian population in this zip code; overall in the zip code 15 percent identify as Asian, however the Asian population accounted for just 4 percent of the chronic condition emergency department visits.
The following statistics demonstrate the problems identified with food and transportation access in zip code 07305:
- Nearly 15 percent of the population lives in a census tract identified as a food desert, with no vehicle access and live a half-mile or more from the nearest grocery store.
- This compares to only 6.7 percent in Hudson County and 10 percent overall in New Jersey.
- The 15 percent in the food desert population account for 10,660 people, with 16 percent of those children under the age of 17 and nearly 8 percent senior citizens.
- 30 percent of the households have no access to a vehicle.
- This compares to 32 percent in Hudson County and just under 12 percent overall in New Jersey.
- Over 20 percent of the households in 07305 are receiving SNAP benefits.
- This compares to 14 percent in Hudson County and 8.5 percent overall in New Jersey.
Zip code 07305 is somewhat illustrative of the impact of social determinants of health on population health. Poor population health, as measured by the prevalence of chronic conditions, is elevated in both the low income and African American populations that reside in this community, but access to the food and transportation is less a factor in 07305 than in the other “top three” chronic conditions zip codes identified in this study. This makes 07305 – Jersey City an anomaly compared to other zip codes highly compromised by the presence of chronic conditions. This zip code is one of the most highly compromised but does not exhibit the same food/transportation obstacles present in the similarly compromised zip codes.
Zip Code 08618 (Trenton)
Zip code 08618 was selected for further micro-analysis due to its experience of 13,830 chronic condition-related emergency department visits in 2017. This volume of visits establishes zip code 08618 as the third highest chronic condition-utilizing zip code in the state.
Out of the 11 chronic conditions identified for analysis in this study, hypertension was the most prevalent in 08618. Hypertension was present 50 percent of the time in chronic condition emergency department visits from this zip code. Drug/substance abuse was the second most common condition, present 30 percent of the time. The magnitude of these two chronic conditions is slightly higher than the statewide averages, where hypertension also ranks highest, with drug/substance abuse second. However, 08618’s presence of asthma is 42 percent higher than the statewide average, signaling a need for further exploration.
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Ninety-five percent of emergency department chronic condition visits in zip code 08618 had between one and three chronic condition codes present on their record. The remaining visits had between 3 and 10 condition codes present. Zip code 08618 also exhibited a number of “high utilizers” (patients that presented at a single hospital emergency department 25 times or more in a given year). There were 15 of these individuals located in 08618. Eight of those presented in a single hospital emergency department 45 or more times in a 12-month period.
The median household income for zip code 08618 aligns with Trenton overall but falls well short of Mercer County and New Jersey. Zip code 08618 median household income is $41,757. The median for Mercer County is $73,966 and the statewide median is $76,126.
The unemployment rate for Mercer County overall is 4.1 percent, which is lower than the statewide rate of 4.4 percent. Unemployment for zip code 08618 trends higher than both, with 7 percent of households receiving unemployment benefits.
Racial disparities can be found among chronic condition emergency department patients in zip code 08618. The overall population of 08618 is approximately 63 percent African American. However, when examining the presence of chronic condition emergency department visits in this zip code, 79 percent of the visits were from African American patients. The inverse is true for the white population in this zip code; overall in the zip code 30 percent identify as white, however, the white population accounted for approximately 20 percent of the chronic condition emergency department visits.
The following statistics demonstrate the problems identified with food and transportation access in zip code 08618:
- Nearly 42 percent of the population lives in a census tract identified as a food desert, with no vehicle access and live a half-mile or more from the nearest grocery store.
- This compares to approximately 16 percent in Mercer County and 10 percent overall in New Jersey.
- The 42 percent in the food desert population account for 29,161 people, with 29 percent of those being children under the age of 17 and nearly 19 percent being senior citizens.
- 24 percent of the households have no access to a vehicle.
- This compares to 12 percent in Mercer County and just under 12 percent overall in New Jersey.
- 19 percent of the households in 08618 are receiving SNAP benefits.
- This compares to 9 percent in Mercer County and 8.5 percent overall in New Jersey.
Zip code 08618 is also illustrative of the impact of social determinants of health on population health and magnifies that in this zip code poor population health, as measured by the prevalence of chronic conditions, is magnified in both the low income and African American populations that reside in this community. Driven in part by poor access to food and transportation, 08618 – Trenton is a community highly compromised by the presence of chronic conditions.
Zip Code Analysis
Zip Code 08401
(Atlantic City)
Zip Code 07305
(Jersey City)
Zip Code 08618