Hospital Week

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Hospital Week 2024

New Jersey hospitals are vital community anchors. They take care of our families, support health and wellness in our communities and provide jobs and opportunity all across our state. Hospital Week May 12-18 is a time to pause and recognize the amazing work of New Jersey’s hospital teams for always being here to care.


  • New Jersey’s skilled and dedicated hospital teams serve 17.2 million patients annually.
  • They’re here to care 24/7/365 – including serving 3 million emergency cases annually when families need them most.
  • Each year, our hospitals welcome 108,000 babies into the world.
  • And, the quality of New Jersey hospital care stands among the best in the nation, as seen in their top rankings in the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade and with more hospitals than any other state recognized year-over-year by the American Nurses Credentialing Center for nursing excellence.
  • Beyond hospital walls, New Jersey hospitals invest $3.5 billion each year in their communities to create health and wellness.
  • This total includes programs to address social needs like access to housing and healthy foods; community events like health fairs, screenings and immunization clinics; and free and discounted care for the uninsured, aging and vulnerable persons.
  • Hospitals’ vital work is powered by 155,000 employees. Their annual earnings of $10 billion provide economic health and opportunity that ripple throughout our communities.
  • In addition, hospitals utilize $4.6 billion in goods and services that support other businesses, from local establishments on Main Street to the state’s largest industries. All told, hospitals’ work supports 355,000 jobs across New Jersey.

In the good times and challenging times, New Jersey hospitals remain steadfast supporting the health of their communities through essential services, charity care, community benefits and as vital sources of jobs, income taxes and spending that stabilize communities and support businesses across the state.


AHA & NJHA: The Power of One
For 333 million people each year, the nation’s hospitals mend bodies, promote wellness and give hope. A Hospital Week 2024 tribute from the AHA and New Jersey Hospital Association. #WeAreHealthcare

AHA & NJHA: The Power of One from New Jersey Hospital Association.


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