July 18, 2017: Statement of Betsy Ryan, New Jersey Hospital Association President and CEO, on Status of the Affordable Care Act.

“We have said from the beginning we would not stand for a repeal of the Affordable Care Act without a simultaneous replacement maintaining the same level of healthcare coverage. Republican Senators Capito, Collins and Murkowski – as well as New Jersey’s Senators Booker and Menendez – have listened, understood and reiterated these concerns. I applaud their leadership and dedication to their constituents.

“The New Jersey Hospital Association continues to oppose any effort to reduce the number of people with healthcare coverage or to roll back the patient protections of the Affordable Care Act. The damage caused by uncertainty has already taken a toll on providers, payers and patients – additional efforts to dismantle the gains achieved in the last seven years would be untenable.

“There are 800,000 New Jersey residents who depend on healthcare coverage they received through the Affordable Care Act, and tens of millions more across the country in the same situation. We ask Congress to redirect their focus to the well-being of their constituents and work together to improve upon the foundation of the ACA.”