Sept. 10, 2014: CDC Releases Detailed Hospital Checklist for Ebola Preparedness

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday released a new checklist to help U.S. hospitals prepare for managing patients with Ebola virus disease (EVD) and other infectious diseases.

The checklist highlights key areas for hospital staff, especially hospital emergency management officers, infection control practitioners and clinical practitioners, to review in preparation for a person with EVD arriving at a hospital for medical care. The checklist provides practical and specific suggestions to ensure hospitals are able to detectpossible EVD cases, protect employees and respond appropriately.

The CDC suggests that hospitals review infection control policies and procedures and incorporate plans for administrative, environmental and communication measures, as well as personal protective equipment, training and education. Hospitals should also define the individual work practices that will be required to detect the introduction of a patient with EVD or other emerging infectious diseases, prevent spread and manage the impact on patients, the hospital and staff.

Providers can click here for up-to-date information from the CDC on EVD. The New Jersey Department of Health Web site also provides Ebola information.