With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, this content is not regularly updated. The information here may be outdated and links may no longer function.

COVID-19: How Can I Help?

We all can make a difference for the healthcare teams working on the frontlines to protect us during the COVID-19 response. Many local healthcare facilities have started donation drives with their communities to donate supplies including personal protective equipment. Please give if you can!

Here are other ways to help:

Doctor in a medical setting.


Licensed and certified healthcare volunteers are needed now in New Jersey to work alongside our healthcare heroes caring for patients! Use the link below to fill out a volunteer questionnaire.

Doctors with medical supplies.

Donate Supplies

NJHA is working with the state to coordinate inventories of personal protective equipment for healthcare workers. Visit the website below to contribute.


Show Your Support

Join us in the #SignUpNJ campaign! Put your artistic talents to work and create and display a sign showing your appreciation to healthcare workers and first responders. Incorporate a blue heart in your design to symbolize their courage and commitment. Post it on your social feeds with the hashtag #SignUpNJ.

Male doctor drawing blood from female patient.

Give Blood

N.J. has an urgent need for blood donations during this public health crisis. Visit the American Red Cross-New Jersey for information and donation sites.

Group of doctors wearing masks.

Create Masks

NJHA is joining the American Hospital Association in the 100 Million Masks challenge. Lend your help to this effort to protect healthcare workers.

Jar of change with 'Donation' label.

Donate Funds

First Lady Tammy Murphy has organized the N.J. Pandemic Relief Fund to help New Jerseyans with the economic and social impact of COVID-19.