
Get COVID Vaccinated!

The COVID-19 vaccine protects you, your loved ones and your community against the virus. It’s also our best hope to help our schools, workplaces, churches and social activities move forward from this pandemic. The state has established a website at COVID-19 Vaccine (nj.gov) with details to help you get vaccinated, or call the COVID vaccine call center at 855-568-0545.

Getting vaccinated is an individual decision, and you probably have questions. We encourage you to follow the facts, ask your healthcare provider and talk with others you know who already received the vaccine to hear about their experience and their reasons why they chose to be vaccinated.

N.J. Vaccinations Administered


Current as of 5.29.2024


New Jersey map with a red pin.

Getting Vaccinated in NJ

The N.J. Department of Health has developed a phased approach for vaccinating the state’s residents.

Vaccine vials and a syringe.

About the Vaccines

Vaccines jumpstart your body’s natural defenses against illness.

Vaccine vials, syringes and medicine bottles arranged in a question mark.


Questions about COVID vaccination? Find answers here.

I'm A Big SHOT sticker.

I'm A Big Shot

We’re all big shots with the power to protect our loved ones and community with the COVID vaccine.



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More Resources

Find more helpful resources about COVID-19 vaccination.

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